Firstly, we believe that we are not just a provider of services, but rather a business partner of every client who uses our services. We try to understand clients’ operations and risks so that we can build a relationship with them and find satisfaction in the knowledge that we added value to their business.
With each assignment, we will aim to:
It is part of our practice that directors, managers and trainees attend annual courses on the following critical areas:
Further training is offered to ensure that all staff are up to date with the latest developments in the above-mentioned areas.
The number of hours spent by directors and management on training exceeds the minimum requirements set by SAICA.
We have a formal quality control policy in our service delivery that meets the set requirements by all regulators.
A further measure of quality control is that our directors are closely involved in the execution of our services and that they work together to ensure that effective solutions are offered to clients.
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